Friday, May 22, 2009


In my totally bias opinion, I have two of the most talented cousins in the world. They have created the most beautiful movie for their media assignment. Titled "Halo" as an obvious link to the song used, the plot starts with Elle Ullman who grieves over the loss of her husband Phil. Jett and Samantha Dante remind her of the moment she and Phil had. Phil's "halo" guides Elle into a positive light; aiding her to move on through life.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Postless and Papers

Sorry all for letting my blog be so postless... (sigh) but pens and papers have regained attention; that's right school is back. It's incredible how boring school is once you've been there for a while. After only the first day I thought I'd been there for an entire term and I was ready for the holidays.

I remember in year eight, I said to my mum that it didn't even felt like school; the day just slipped away and soon it was over. But now it's the complete opposite. Everything is so monotonous, boring and sometimes hard. I have already started counting down how many months until I graduate. Yep that's right... I have 30 months to go. That's about 900 days including holidays, weekends, public holidays, pupil free days, borders' long weekend and days off.

Anyway, two days in and my diary is already full of work. Assignments, journals, study, general work, tasks, sheets to sign... it's all too much. Seriously, is there anyone else that feels school applies too much pressure? No really... let me know because I'm not a retard that just finds school 'boring and pointless' and I don't aspire to work at McDonald's... 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mother's Day Madness

I really wanted to do something for mother's day. It's the one time of the year when I actually am the only person that can spend time with mum. But here's the deal, she just decides she wants to have lunch at her friends' house. 

Anyway, hopefully she will find my plans much more interesting. I have organised for us to go to the Perth Mint at 9:00 so that we can take the 9:30 guided tour. Then we will drive over to the new "Wheel of Excellence" and take a ride on that followed by a walk up the bell tower.

So all in all, I have organised a $64.00 day (without lunch) and she wants to go to her friends' house? That's absurd! I have put so much thought into this... bloody parents! They don't understand.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nature vs Nurture

Parents by definition are a father or mother; one who sires or gives birth to and nurtures an offspring but in my opinion, it's who raises you and nurtures you that fulfill the role, be it your biological parents or not.

Many disagree saying that blood is the ultimate connection but to me a bond is stronger. If you are raised by foster or adopted parents, relatives of friends from birth or a young age, they are grown to fulfill a parental role. Of course whether or not a child acknowledges them as their parents is a decision of their head and heart.

In another frame of mind, many children grow strong bonds with friends, relatives, neighbours etc. whilst still in the care of their biological parents. Some even acknowledge these "friends" to be "like parents" or "second parents".

In conclusion I think it's fair to say that there is a difference between your biological parents and your mum and dad. Nature automatically distributes the title of parents when a child is born, but the title of mum and dad must be earned by love, nourishment and compassion.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fully Booked

O.M.G. My holidays are suddenly becoming interesting. Not only has my overly over-protective mother let me go to Albany next week with a friend she doesn't know, but my BBFL has just invited me to the footy TOMORROW!!! Yay. The WCE are versing the bulldogs. I'd better get out my merchandise.