Thursday, April 30, 2009

Postless and Papers

Sorry all for letting my blog be so postless... (sigh) but pens and papers have regained attention; that's right school is back. It's incredible how boring school is once you've been there for a while. After only the first day I thought I'd been there for an entire term and I was ready for the holidays.

I remember in year eight, I said to my mum that it didn't even felt like school; the day just slipped away and soon it was over. But now it's the complete opposite. Everything is so monotonous, boring and sometimes hard. I have already started counting down how many months until I graduate. Yep that's right... I have 30 months to go. That's about 900 days including holidays, weekends, public holidays, pupil free days, borders' long weekend and days off.

Anyway, two days in and my diary is already full of work. Assignments, journals, study, general work, tasks, sheets to sign... it's all too much. Seriously, is there anyone else that feels school applies too much pressure? No really... let me know because I'm not a retard that just finds school 'boring and pointless' and I don't aspire to work at McDonald's... 

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